Memory foam pillows are great since they mold to your body shape. But sometimes the smell of sweat can get on the pillow, even though you've washed it. You'll want to remove that smell, and here's how!
You can remove sweat smell from a memory foam pillow with a cover. Keep the cover clean so that it doesn't soak up any sweat and use distilled vinegar or boric acid to get rid of sweat stains on your memory foam core.

Can you wash a memory foam pillow in a washing machine?
Memory foam pillows are generally not machine washable. Some types of pillows can crack because of constant agitation. Using a machine cleaner instead of washing your memory foam pillows will cause irreparable damage.
It is important to clean your pillow regularly in order to keep it smelling fresh and prevent it from absorbing moisture. You should avoid using water when washing your pillow since this can cause the memory foam to expand, ruining its shape. Use a washcloth or towel to wipe down your pillow and air-dry it by laying it on top of some paper towels.
1. Put warm water in a sink or bathtub. Add mild detergent to the water. Mix a teaspoon full of detergent into a gallon of water. You don’t want to use any harsh detergents or chemicals as they can damage the memory foam. You can add in several droplets of your favorite essential oil, such as lavender if you choose.
2. Uncover the pillow and immerse it into a bowl of soapy water while gently squeezing it to let out the air and allow the water to penetrate it better. Keep repeating the process until and unless the pillow is submerged fully.
3. Fill up the sink or bathtub with water, and squeeze the adjustable pillow a couple of times to help wash away any dirt and sweat that was in the pillow. Keep repeating the process until and unless the water runs clear.
4. Remove all the water from your pillow. Do not twist or wring it as this will damage it.
5. Place your pillow in direct sunlight or outdoors to dry it out. If neither one is available, you can use a ceiling fan on high to help dry your pillow.
6. You can spray it with your desired essential oil after it dries.
Here is how you can remove sweet stains
Sweat can seep through and get into your pillow no matter what material it is made from. When sweat dries, it can leave a yellowish stain on your pillow that can be unsightly. Make use of distilled vinegar or boric acid to remove sweet stains.
Clean a sweat stain with equal parts vinegar and water. Clean the area with a cloth dipped in the solution and rub in small circular motions moving in towards the affected area. This decreases the chances of spreading the stain.
Soak a cloth in the vinegar and water solution and use it to wipe away the stain. Rinse the stained area thoroughly with clean water and pat dry before leaving the pillow out.
Alternatively, you can use boric acid. Apply some boric acid to the spot and dab or blot the stain with a sponge or clean cloth in circular motions. Repeat until the stain is gone. Vacuum the pillow thoroughly to remove all boric acid residues. Using this method will ensure that your pillow remains fresh and soft for many years to come!
Here is how you can get rid of sweat smell from a Memory Foam Pillow
If your memory foam pillow is no longer new and you notice a sweaty odor, try to deodorize it by sprinkling baking soda onto the pillow and letting it sit for about 2 to 3 hours in a well-aerated room or even out in the sun. Use a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment to clean the baking soda off the pillow thoroughly so you can use it again.
For best results, use the upholstery attachment to remove hairs and other nearly invisible debris. For the best results, apply baking soda onto the memory foam pillow pack of 2rather than attempting to remove it with the pillowcase or cover. Pillows are the most comfortable and durable items to invest in. Cleaning your pillows about two times a year is enough for them to stay fresh. However, cleaning your pillow cover and case more regularly is recommended.