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How Do Coccyx Pillows Work and How They Can Help You


This article is about coccyx pain, as well as how to use a coccyx pillow from Lumbar and Coccyx Support. The writer gives an overview of the anatomy of the tailbone, and goes over what is commonly done to alleviate tailbone pain, including a list of steps you can take to alleviate it. The writer also gives information on the use of a coccyx pillow, and describes how to select one that is right for you.

If you are suffering from tailbone pain, then the good news is that the majority of cases can be treated effectively. This article is meant to provide you with a full understanding of tailbone pain, as well as how it is treated. The article is going to go over the anatomy of the tailbone, as well as how to use a coccyx pillow from Lumbar and Spine Solutions.

coccyx pillow

What is the coccyx and what does it do?

The coccyx is the bones at the end of your spine. It's also called the tailbone because it resembles a tail. The coccyx is important to protect during trauma, like falling and hitting your backside on something square like a toilet seat. A lot of people experience pain in their lower back because the coccyx isn't protected well enough by the pelvic bones and hip bones. Using a coccyx pillow can help to alleviate pressure on these bones because it pushes them against each other like another layer of protection.

Can I use a coccyx pillow during pregnancy?

People who are pregnant tend to have an extra curve in their lower back, which can put extra pressure on the coccyx. If you're going to be pregnant and looking for some support, then a coccyx pillow can be a good choice. One of the most common pregnancy symptoms is soreness in the lower back, and the coccyx pillow can help relieve that pain. You should also know that the coccyx is an area that's very sensitive to pressure and it can take some time to get used to the coccyx pillow. There are some people who can't wear a coccyx pillow, and they don't understand why they have pain.

Types of coccyx pain

Coccyx pain can occur from a number of different things, including: changes in your body's hormone levels, injuries, and pregnancy. Some people find that the best way to relieve the pain from coccyx pain is by sleeping on a special pillow. This type of pillow is typically called a "coccyx cushion."

How to treat coccyx pain

Many people find that a coccyx cushion can be helpful in relieving the symptoms of coccyx pain. If you have coccyx pain, definitely give these products a try and see if they help: Coccyx Cushion – this pillow is designed to relieve coccyx pain and prevent the painful symptoms of osteoarthritis in the tailbone.

How a coccyx pillow helps the tailbone

A coccyx pillow is a cushion that sits directly on the tailbone to reduce pain or discomfort. They are great for people who experience the pain of sitting too much or those that are experiencing back pain from arthritis, injury, or herniated disks. The pillow helps relieve pressure on the vulnerable spine and can also help prevent further injury.

Coccyx Pillow Benefits

Soft enough to be comfortable. A coccyx pillow is designed to absorb the pressure on your tail bone. These pillows are usually very soft and made from foam or memory foam, not to mention that they are one of the more expensive types of pillows. Pillows like this are usually very comfortable and ideal for people who suffer from tailbone pain.

Why invest in a coccyx cushion

The coccyx cushion is not a new invention and has been in use for centuries. Straightforwardly, it's used to provide pressure to the part of your body where your coccyx is located. It is made from a fabric that has been sewn into a triangular shape with the focus being on the bottom point of the triangle. The idea behind this type of pillow is that it provides support and relief for those who are experiencing chronic pain or even stress.

How does a coccyx cushion work

The coccyx cushion is designed in such a way that you are able to keep pressure on the nerves that are close to your coccyx. You can do this by lying on your side or sitting and putting the best coccyx cushion in between your legs. The reason why it is so important to keep pressure on the spinal nerves is that they are prone to a lot of compression. When you experience chronic pain or stress, it is best to relieve the pressure from the nerves. This can be done by using a coccyx cushion.


A coccyx pillow can help you get your best sleep without any anatomical restrictions. If you are interested in purchasing a comforter for your bed, make sure to check the reviews and see if the cushion is breathable and will not cause excessive heat buildup or soreness.


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